Thursday, February 20, 2020

Basketball Game Schedule Detailed

Game Schedule

Games 1: Feb. 29 

10-11 Girls Reepicheep vs Pevensies
11-12 Girls Baggins vs Oakenshield
12:30-1:30 Boys Reepicheep vs Pevensies
1:30-2:30 Boys Baggins vs Oakenshield

Games 2: Mar. 07

10-11 Girls Baggins vs Pevensies
11-12 Girls Oakenshield vs Reepicheep
12:30-1:30 Boys Baggins vs Pevensies
1:30-2:30 Boys Oakenshield vs Reepicheep

Games 3: Mar. 28

10-11 Boys Oakenshield vs Pevensies
11-12 Boys Reepicheep vs Baggins
1:30-2:30 Girls Oakenshield vs Pevensies
2:30-3:30 Girls Reepicheep vs Baggins

Games 4: Apr. 25

10-11 Boys Reepicheep vs Pevensies
11-12 Boys Baggins vs Oakenshield
12:30-1:30 Girls Reepicheep vs Pevensies
1:30-2:30 Girls Baggins vs Oakenshield

Championships: May 02

10-11 Girls Seed 1 vs Seed 4
11-12 Girls Seed 2 vs Seed 3
12:30-1:30 Boys Seed 1 vs Seed 4
1:30-2:30 Boys Seed 2 vs Seed 3
2:30-3:30 Girls Championship
3:30-4:30 Boys Championship 

New Blog Look

Good morning, Griffins!

You may have noticed the new blog look. Nothing fundamental has changed, just that this layout allows for continuous scrolling through all the posts. I hope that expedites finding information.

The other major new feature is the pages bar at the top. These pages will hold the most essential and logistical information. Though these pages are not posts and will remain mostly static, please check back frequently for added info about the season calendar, practice schedule, coaches contacts, etc.

All the best,

Benjamin Corcoran

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Shirt Link, New Coaches, and Dress Code Update

One Shirt Link, Two Coaches, and Three Notes

Good morning, Griffins,

Here is the shirt link for purchasing intramural shirts. CLICK!

Welcome to our girls Pevensies coach, Mrs. Lopez! Mrs. Lopez has coached for several seasons with us now, and we are happy to have her again. 

And welcome Mrs. Rodriguez, our girls Oakenshield coach. Mrs. Rodriguez is one of our kinder teachers, and she has two young athletes who have experienced the intramural sports program, and we are excited for what she brings to our program. 

There will be NO GAME during Easter Week -- Saturday, April 11. That was a mistake. We will not reschedule it. I will update the PDF calendar to reflect this as soon as I can. The calendar is public now, so you do not need to request access! 

Some have wondered how one gets off the waitlist. One must wait for a spot to open before they can take a spot on the team. It all depends on what spaces are available, and Mr. Corcoran cannot create extra spaces. If you have questions or concerns, please reach out to me. 

A quick amendment to the dress code for practice: please have your scholar-athletes wear sleeved shirts. Sleeves, frankly, make for a more sanitary practice with all the sweating. Thank you! 

All the best,

Ben Corcoran